(1) 2017.7-至今,bet365官网电气bet365官网与信息工程学院,检测技术与bet365官网装置专业,教授,博士生导师
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(3) 2015.09-2016.09美国凯斯西储大学神经工程中心,国家公派访问学者
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(5) 2007.07-2009.10bet365官网电气与bet365官网工程学院,控制科学与控制工程,博士后
(1) 类脑仿真与计算
(2) 神经控制工程
(3) 无创式脑调制技术
(4) 基于数据的强化学习算法应用
(1) 2018.1-2021.12国家自然科学基金面上项目“海马癫痫样放电传播的内生电场传导机理研究”,项目负责人
(2) 2014.01-2017.12国家自然科学基金面上项目“基于放电阈值调制海马时间编码的阈下场效应机理研究”,项目负责人
(3) 2012.04-2015.03天津市自然科学基金重点项目“皮层可兴奋性探测系统及其机理研究”,项目负责人
(4) 2010.01-2012.12国家自然科学基金青年项目“海马锥体细胞外场效应建模及其假突触调控机制的研究”,项目负责人
(5) 2014.01-2014.12bet365官网自主创新基金项目“系统生物学中的复杂性分析与建模”,项目负责人
(6) 2011.01-2011.12bet365官网自主创新基金项目“基于前馈网络的癫痫传播机理研究”,项目负责人
(7) 2010.01-2011.12bet365官网自主创新基金项目“低Ca2+癫痫样放电的细胞外假突触调控机制的研究”,项目负责人
(8) 2008.08-2010.08中国博士后科学基金项目“异质细胞群神经振子实现及其节律机制的研究”,项目负责人
(9) 2012.01-2015.12,国家自然科学基金面上项目“基于放电历史依存性的神经针刺编码机理研究”,排名第二
(1) C.C Chiang,X.L Wei, A.K. Ananthakrishnan, et al., Slow moving neural source in the epileptic hippocampus can mimic progression of human seizures,SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 2018,7:45684.
(2) Lihui Cai,Xile Wei, Jiang Wang, Haitao Yu, Bin Deng, Ruofan Wang, Reconstruction of functional brain network in Alzheimer’s disease via cross-frequency phase synchronization,NEUROCOMPUTING, 2018, Available online.
(3) Siyuan Chang,Xile Wei,Zhen Zhang, Jiang Wang, Meili Lu, and Guosheng Yi, Twin coil design considerations for depth and focality in transcranial magnetic stimulation,IEEE Transactions on Magnetics,2018, Available online.
(4) Fei Su, Jiang Wang, Shuangxia Niu, Huiyan Li, Bin Deng, Chen Liu,Xile Wei*,Nonlinear predictive control for adaptive adjustments of deep brain stimulation parameters in basal ganglia-thalamic network,NEURAL NETWORKS, 2018, 98: 283-295.
(5) Shuangming Yang,Xile Wei, Bin Deng, Chen Liu, Huiyan Li, Jiang Wang, Efficient digital implementation of a conductance-based globus pallidus neuron and the dynamics analysis,Physica A, 2018, 494: 484-502.
(6) Xile Wei,Yao Li, Meili Lu, Jiang Wang, and Guosheng Yi, Comprehensive survey on improved focality and penetration depth of transcranial magnetic stimulation employing multi-coil arrays,International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2017, 14, 1388.
(7) Ruixue Han, Jiang Wang, Rui Miao, Bin Deng, Yingmei Qin, Haitao Yu, andXile Wei*,Propagation of collective temporal regularity in noisy hierarchical networks,IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems,2017, 28(1): 191-205.(SCI, 1区, IF: 4.854)
(8) Yi Guosheng, Wang Jiang,Wei Xile*, Deng Bin, Action potential initiation in a two-compartment model of pyramidal neuron mediated by dendritic Ca2+ spike,SCIENTIFIC REPORTS,2017,7:45684.
(9) Yi Guosheng, Wang Jiang,Wei Xile*, Deng Bin;Li Huiyan, Che Yanqiu,Contributions of adaptation currents to dynamic spike threshold on slow timescales: Biophysical insights from conductance-based models,COMMUNICATIONS IN NONLINEAR SCIENCE AND NUMERICAL SIMULATION,2017,44:81-99.
(10) Yang S,Wei X, Wang J, et al. Efficient hardware implementation of the subthalamic nucleus-external globuspallidus oscillation system and its dynamics investigation.[J].Neural Network, 2017, 94:220-238.
(11) Chen Qi, Wang Jiang, Yang Shuangming, Qin Yingmei, Deng Bin,Wei Xile*, A real-time FPGA implementation of a biologically inspired central pattern generator network,NEUROCOMPUTING, 2017,244:63-80.
(12) Xile Wei, Kaili Si, Guosheng Yi, Jiang Wang, and Meili Lu, Geometric properties-dependent neural synchrony modulated by extracellular subthreshold electric field,International Journal of Modern Physics B, 2016, 30(21): 1650142.(SCI)
(13) Xile Wei, Dingtian Shi, Haitao Yu, Bin Deng, Meili Lu, Chunxiao Han, and Jiang Wang, Input-output mapping reconstruction of spike trains at dorsal horn evoked by manual acupuncture,International Journal of Modern Physics B, 2016, 30(2): 1550258.(SCI)
(14) Chen Liu, Jiang Wang, Huiyan Li, Meili Lu, Bin Deng, Haitao Yu,Xile Wei*, Chris Fietkiewicz, Kenneth A. Loparo.Closed-loop modulation of the pathological disorders of the basal ganglia network,IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems,2016, published online.(SCI, 1区, IF: 4.854)
(15) Meili Lu, Yanqiu Che, Huiyan Li,Xile Wei*, Effects of coupling on the optimal desynchronizing control of neuronal networks,Neurocomputing, 2016, 175:736-746. (SCI, 2区)
(16) Guosheng Yi, Jiang Wang,Xile Wei*, Bin Deng, Dynamics of spike threshold in a two-compartment neuron with passive dendrite,Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation,2016, 40: 100-111.(SCI, 2区)
(17) Xile Wei, Bingjie Li, Meili Lu, Guosheng Yi, and Jiang Wang, Modulation of spike coding by subthreshold extracellular electric fields and neuronal morphology,International Journal of Modern Physics B, 2015, 29(21): 1550148.(SCI)
(18) Xile Wei, Xiaowei Yin, Meili Lu, Guosheng Yi, and Jiang Wang, Dependence of sinusoidal electric field effect on neuronal morphological properties,International Journal of Modern Physics B, 2015, 29: 1550092.(SCI)
(19) Xile Wei, Danhong Zhang, Meili Lu, Jiang Wang, Haitao Yu, and Yanqiu Che, Endogenous field feedback promotes the detectability for exogenous electric signal in the hybrid coupled population,Chaos, 2015, 25: 013113.(SCI, 3区)
(20) Bin Deng, Li Liang, Shunan Li, Ruofan Wang, Haitao Yu, Jiang Wang, andXile Wei*, Complexity Extraction of Electroencephalograms in Alzheimer's Disease with Weighted-Permutation Entropy,Chaos, 2015, 25: 043105.(SCI)
(21) Ruofan Wang, Jiang Wang, Shunan Li, Haitao Yu, Bin Deng, andXile Wei*, Multiple Feature Extraction and Classification of Electroencephalograph Signal for Alzheimers' with Spectrum and Bispectrum,Chaos, 2015, 25: 013110.(SCI, 3区)
(22) Guosheng Yi, Jiang Wang, Kai-Ming Tsang,Xile Wei*, Bin Deng. Biophysical insights into how spike threshold depends on the rate of membrane potential depolarization in Type I and Type II neurons.PLoS ONE, 2015, 10(6): e0130250(SCI, 3区)
(23) Xile Wei*, Yinhong Chen, Meili Lu, Bin Deng, etc., An ephaptic transmission model of CA3 pyramidal cells: an investigation into electric field effects,Cognitive Neurodynamics, 2014, 8(3): 177-197.(SCI)
(24) Guosheng Yi, Jiang Wang,XiLe Wei*, Kai-Ming Tsang, etc., Neuronal Spike initiation modulated by extracellular electric fields,Plos One, 2014, 9(5): e97481.(SCI, 3区)
(25) Guosheng Yi, Jiang Wang,Xile Wei*, Kai-Ming Tsang, etc., Exploring how extracellular electric field modulates neuron activity through dynamical analysis of a two-compartment neuron model,Journal of computational neuroscience, 2014, 36(3): 383-399.(SCI)
(26) Xile Wei,Meilu Lu, Jiang Wang, K. M. Tsang, Bin Deng and Yanqiu Che.Semi-global robust output regulation of minimum-phase nonlinear systems based on high-gain nonlinear internal model.International Journal of Control.May 2010, 83(5): 1009-1024.(SCI, 3区)
(27) Xile Wei, Jiang Wang, and Bin Deng.Introducing internal model to robust output synchronization of FizHugh-Nagumo neurons in external electrical stimulation.Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation. 2009, 14(7): 3108-3119.(SCI, 2区)
(28) Xile Wei, K. M. Tsang, and W. L. Chan. Non-linear PWM control of single-switch quadratic buck converters using internal model.IET Power Electronics. Sep. 2009, 2(5): 475-483.(SCI, 3区)
(29) Xile Wei, K. M. Tsang, and W. L. Chan. DC/DC buck converter using internal model control.Electric Power Components and Systems. 2009, 37: 320-330.(SCI)
(30) Xile Wei, Jiang Wang, and Zhaoxuan Yang.Robust Smooth-Trajectory Control of Nonlinear Servo Systems Based on Neural Networks,IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics,2007, 54(1): 208-217.(SCI,1区,Impact factor: 6.5)
(31) 魏熙乐,王江,杨兆选,永磁同步电动机的平滑跟踪伺服控制及实现,控制理论与应用,2006, 23(2): 209-216.(EI)
(1) Xile Wei, Jiang Wang, Meili Lu, etc., Robust Output Regulation of Single-switch Quadratic Buck Converter Using Internal Model,2009 IEEEInternationalConference on Control and Automation (ICCA 2009), 2010: 2117-2122.(EI)
(2) Xile Wei, Jiang Wang, Bin Deng, and Yanqiu Che, Introducing High-gain Internal Model to Semi-global Robust Output Regulation for Minimum-phase Nonlinear Systems,2009 IEEEInternationalConference on Control and Automation (ICCA 2009),2010: 552-557.(EI)
(3) Xile Wei, Jiang Wang, Yanqiu Che, Bin Deng, and Feng Dong.Robust Complete Synchronization of Electrical Coupling Neurons under Uncertain Heterogeneous Disturbances Using Adaptive Internal Model.Proceedingsofthe 31st AnnualInternationalConferenceofthe IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society: Engineering the FutureofBiomedicine (EMBC 2009),2009: 3457-3460.(EI)
(4) Xile Wei, Yinhong Chen, Jiang Wang, Bin Deng, Meili Lu, and Yanqiu Che, External electric field effect on the PR neuronal firing under the ephaptic transmission,2011 4th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Informatics (BMEI 2011), 2011: 1839-1843.(EI)
(5) Xile Wei, Jian Cheng, Jiang Wang, Bin Deng, Meili Lu, Yanqiu Che, UKF-based key-parameters compensation control for abnormal firing in PR model, 2011 4th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Informatics (BMEI 2011), 2011: 2023-2027.(EI)
(6) Xile Wei,Jian Cheng, Jiang Wang, Bin Deng, Meili Lu, Yanqiu Che, UKF-based adaptive electric fields control of desynchronization for the PR model under the ephaptic transmission,2012 24th Chinese Control and Decision Conference (CCDC 2012), 2012: 2439-2444.(EI)
(7) Xile Wei, Meili Lu, Jiang Wang, Bin Deng, Yanqiu Che, H∞ variable universe fuzzy control for power system,2012 International Applied Mechanics, Mechatronics Automation Symposium (IAMMAS 2012), 2012: 1149-1153.(EI)
(8) Xile Wei,Yinhong Chen, Jiang Wang, Bin Deng, Meili Lu, Yanqiu Che, Modeling the electric field effects on heterogeneous Pinsky-Rinzel neurons under ephaptic transmission,2012 24th Chinese Control and Decision Conference (CCDC 2012), 2012: 1178-1183.(EI)
(9) Xile Wei, Danhong Zhang, Meili Lu, Jiang Wang, etc., Enhanced Stochastic Resonance Induced by Mean Field Feedback in Synaptic Coupled Networks,2014 7thInternational Conference on BioMedical Engineering and Informatics (BMEI 2014), 2014: 436-440.(EI)
(10) Xile Wei, Nan Chen, Meili Lu, Bin Deng, Jiang Wang, etc., Input Optimal Control Strategy for the Desynchronization of Coupled Neurons,2012 5thInternational Conference on BioMedical Engineering and Informatics (BMEI 2012), 2012: 1020-1024.(EI)
(11) Xile Wei, Danhong Zhang, Meili Lu, Jiang Wang, Haitao Yu, and Bin Deng, Enhanced stochastic resonance induced by mean field feedback in synaptic coupled networks,Proceedings of the 2014 7th International Conference on BioMedical Engineering and Informatics (BMEI 2014), 2014: 436-440.(EI)
(12) Xile Wei,Dingtian Shi, Meili Lu, Bin Deng, Haitao Yu, and Jiang Wang, Prediction of single neural firings for Hodgkin-Huxley neuron by fitting generalized linear model,2015 34th Chinese Control Conference (CCC 2015),2015: 8238-8242.(EI)
(13) Xile Wei,Bingjie Li, Meili Lu, Jiang Wang, Bin Deng, and Haitao Yu, Frequency-window effects of subthreshold electric fields on neuronal discharge of active neurons,2015 34th Chinese Control Conference (CCC 2015), 2015: 8503-8507.(EI)
(14) Xile Wei,Kaili Si, Meili Lu, Jiang Wang, and Bin Deng, Dependence of Neural Network Synchronization on the Extracellular Electric Field and Neural Morphology,2015 34th Chinese Control Conference (CCC 2015),2015: 3488-3492.(EI)
(15) Xile Wei,Yang Liu, Zhen Zhang, K.M. Tsang, and Jiang Wang, Steady-state analysis of electric spring for smart grid,2016 12th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation (WCICA 2016), 2016: 905-909.(EI)
(1) 魏熙乐,于海涛,王江著,神经系统建模与控制工程,科学出版社,中国,2015.
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(1) 运动控制系统(本科生)
(2) 数字控制技术(本科生)
(3) Nonlinear Control Systems(全英文课程,硕士生)
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