(1) 2023.06-至今 bet365官网 电气bet365官网与信息工程学院 bet365官网系,助理研究员
(1) 多智能体系统
(2) 集群化能源系统
(3) 分布式控制
(1) 系统控制与信息处理教育部重点实验室开放基金项目,临近空间无人飞行器能源系统的分布式控制与能流调度,项目负责人
(2) 1*3基金技术领域基金项目,耐XXXX高比能锂电池技术(B),子课题负责人
(3) 1XX工程,XXXX电源系统集成技术,子课题负责人
(4) 国家重点研发计划青年科学家项目,全电力电子电力系统构建与稳定运行关键技术,NO. 2023YFB2406700,项目骨干
(5) 国家自然科学基金重点项目,临近空间无人飞行器集群化能源系统能量调度与协同控制,NO. 61933014,主要参与人
(6) 装备发展部“十三五”装备预研共用技术项目,电能智能互联技术,NO.41421080101,主要参与人
(7) 国防科技大学横向课题,分布式直流微电网实验节点研发,项目负责人
(1) Zhang Zhicheng, Zuo Zhiqiang(*), Wang Yijing. Finite-time consensus of neutrally stable multi-agent systems in the presence of input saturation. Journal of the Franklin Institute, 2019, 356(2): 894-907.
(2) Zhang Zhicheng, Zuo Zhiqiang(*), Wang Yijing. Distributed control for state-of-charge balance and load voltage regulation in DC microgrids with clustered generations. Asian Journal of Control, 2022. DOI: 10.1002/asjc.2782.
(3) Zhang Zhicheng, Zuo Zhiqiang(*), Wang Yijing. Fixed-time quasi-containment control with antagonistic nodes. International Conference on Control and Automation (ICCA), IEEE, 2019: 994-999.
(4) Zhang Zhicheng(*), Xu Jiapeng, Tan Ying, Chen Xiang, Zuo Zhiqiang, Wang Yijing. Robust repetitive learning control for a class of nonlinear systems. Chinese Control Conference, 2476-2483, 2023.
(5) Ji Jiewen, Zhang Zhicheng(*), Zuo Zhiqiang, Wang Yijing. Event-triggered global consensus of second-order multi-agent systems with asymmetric input saturation. Neurocomputing, 574: 127287, 2024.
(6) Du Yunhao, Zhang Zhicheng(*), Zuo Zhiqiang, Wang Yijing. Lithium battery charging optimization via multi-stage combined charging strategy in solar-powered vehicles. Journal of Energy Storage, 83: 110716, 2024.
(7) Zuo Zhiqiang, Ji Jiewen, Zhang Zhicheng(*), Wang Yijing, Zhang Wentao. Consensus of double-integrator multi-agent systems with asymmetric input saturation. Systems & Control Letters, 172: 105440, 2023.
(8) Zuo Zhiqiang, Ji Jiewen, Zhang Zhicheng(*), Wang Yijing, Zhang Wentao. Consensus of multi-agent systems with asymmetric input saturation over directed graph. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, 70(4): 1515-1519, 2023.
(9) Zuo Zhiqiang, Shao Yixuan, Zhang Zhicheng(*), Wang Yijing. A switching {MPC}-based power management strategy for DC microgrids with SoC consistency and energy loss. Electric Power Systems Research, 223: 109696, 2023.
(10) 张志成,李鹏,左志强,王一晶,呼文韬,倪旺,刘兴江(*). 临近空间太阳能飞行器能源系统控制综述. 控制与决策,2024,39(6):1761-1777.
(1) 一种计及损耗的飞行器能源系统分布式优化控制方法.(发明专利,ZL 202311743748.6)
(2) 一种基于δ算子和扰动观测的直流变换器的滑模控制方法.(发明专利,ZL 202311746816.4)
(3) 一种离散式发电、储能、供电系统协同控制方法.(发明专利,ZL 201911412094.2)
(4) 电能源网络协调控制方法、系统及信息数据处理终端.(发明专利,ZL 202010935569.2)